First, the numbers: as of this morning, I am down 52 pounds. When I think of this, I am stunned. I had hoped, though thought it was unrealistic, that I might hit the 50 pound mark by Christmas.
I am off metformin, which I took for several years for Type II diabetes; my blood sugar hovers between 89 and 102. Anything under 120 is considered normal.
My blood pressure is also within the normal range, so my cardiologist has cut my meds in half. The plan is to come off them entirely if my blood pressure remains stable.
I am averaging 6500 steps a day. Still not the 10,000 I am shooting for, but so much better than before surgery. I regularly choose the parking spot furthest away from any door I enter, and at work park on the third level of the parking deck, and use the stairs to go up and down. I don't do drive-throughs any more; if I want coffee at Dunkin Donuts, I go in. And instead of using the phone or email, I walk around my building to talk with people, or schedule meetings in offices other than mine. Again, I am amazed by this. I even get cranky if Piper wants to cut our nightly walks short.
My greater struggle is with my closet -- I was not prepared for my clothes to not fit this early on, and have gone to work some days looking like a kid playing dress-up. On the other hand, I have found some items in my closet that I hadn't worn in forever, or had even forgotten buying. There was even one dress that I never wore -- it was too small when I bought it, and now is too big. Honestly, though, it is a nice problem to have.
This would also be a very dangerous time, if I was just dieting without the help of surgery. I feel terrific, and don't look so bad. I am able to do things that I wasn't even able to dream of two months ago. This is the point when I would get weak, or fall back on bad habits. Start eating badly again, making poor choices, getting lazy, and the weight would slowly creep back. And before I knew it, I would end up in a downward spiral, even heavier than I was before.
This process has not been easy. And all I can think about right now are cupcakes, pizza and wine. And ice cream. Fortunately, my new stomach cannot handle these foods, so I can't self sabotage. So my journey to better health will continue. And for that, I am extremely grateful.

Me, two months out.

Me on my birthday, July 15.
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